What means hydrogenated oil?
Hydrogenated oil is made by forcing hydrogen gas into oil at high pressure. Both animal and vegetable fats can be and are hydrogenated. In general, the more solid the oil is, the more hydrogenated it is.The unstable fatty acids in oils are unsaturated fats, which have been determined to be healthier for consumers, acting to reduce cholesterol in some cases. When hydrogenated oil is made, these healthy fats are converted into a new type of fatty acid, known as a trans fat. Trans fats are not at all good for one's health. In some highly hydrogenated oils like margarine, trans fats can make up almost half of the total fat content.
In fact, hydrogenated oil causes a cell-by-cell failure of the human body by destroying the porosity and flexibility of healthy cell membranes. It's like tearing your body down from the inside out.
What diseases are caused by the hydrogenated oils?
- Directly promotes heart disease
- Promotes cancers: breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer
- Results in low birthweight infants
- Raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good) cholesterol
- Raises blood sugar levels and promotes weight gain
- Interferes with the absorption of essential fatty acids and DHA
- Impairs brain function and damages brain cells
- Accelerates tumor growth
- Accelerates the progress of type-2 diabetes
- Raises serum cholesterol
- Impairs immune system function
- Promotes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Impairs development of the brains of fetuses
- Causes gallbladder disease
- Causes liver disease
- Causes 30,000 deaths per year in the United States alone
- Clogs blood, makes blood cells stick together
- Blocks the body's creation of natural pain-reducing hormones (eicosanoids)
- Causes the creation of free radicals that promote inflammation
- Creates nutritional deficiencies of healthy oils and essential fatty acids (EFAs)
- Promotes cystic fibrosis
- Lowers essential fatty acids in the breast milk of nursing mothers
- Clogs artery walls and promotes atherosclerosis
- Cause gum disease and rotted teeth
- Lowers tissue oxygen intake
- Causes infertility
- Directly damages blood vessels
- Causes high blood pressure
- Weaken cell walls and compromises cellular structure
- Causes dandruff and acne
Products that contain hydrogenated oil:
- Margarine, vegetable shortening, biscuits, wafers, chocolates,
- non-dairy whipped dessert toppings and cake frosting, breads,
- rolls and buns, cookies, cakes, crackers, candies, breakfast cereal,
- chips and snack food, fried fast foods, frozen potatoes, frozen waffles,
- Non-Dairy Coffee Creamers, Tortillas, Fast Food (hot dogs and hamburgers),
- Donuts, Peanut Butter, Ice Cream...
source: HBM
Please refer to the Food Additives Bible application for information about full list of dangerous colors, flavor enhancers, preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners, stabilizers, gelling agents and thickeners>

key words: food, health, cancer, brain, ADHD, wellness
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